Monday, November 9, 2015

Thing 19: The Legal Side of Things

My next task is to:
  • Write a blog post about the possibilities/issues/concerns which this post has raised for you regarding the content you have personally created in this course. 

It doesn't get any easier, and time is running out! I am conscious about my responsibilities so I think I am ok. I can't answer this so I will try the alternative:
  • Write a blog post about a website (other than Pixabay, Flickr or Opsound) which offers Creative Commons or Public Domain content and what it has to offer information professionals. Discuss how easy, or difficult, you found it to use and any issues you encountered in applying the necessary attributions. 

I know of one website:
Information professionals can use the images for work documents like posters or newsletters. The images are limited. It's not going to have everything you want. No attribution is required. My best friend told me about it. When I was involved in producing a magazine there was an issue with using public domain images (or not using them more like!) and she suggested this site. 

Now to find another site: I will try  There are pretty photos such as of flowers and when you click into the image it tells you how to attribute it. &copy; <a href="">Michael Jastremski</a> for <a href=""></a> 

Books: &copy; <a href="">Sarah Klockars-Clauser</a> for <a href=""></a>

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