Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Thing 18: Communicating Through Photographs

This is a photo of Dun Laoghaire Public Library. It took me an awful long time to find it and especially to upload it. I'm just not used to it. I felt like giving up, and also like going onto Facebook for help. I Googled my questions and eventually it worked. I didn't know where my photo had saved to. Eventually I calmed down and followed the path and noted the numbers and found it and uploaded it. I have no idea how I would use Flikr in my libraries. There is a website with 31 ways but the internet is being slow so I can't view it yet. Ok, now it's working. I guess I could use Flikr to show images to do with Library Ireland Week and also rare books.

Now I've joined and done the Instagram task. We had to find some libraries and make some comments. I was saddened to see a photo of a dead fox (actually 2) on the RCSI page. I couldn't bear to look to see the context. I commented on 2 libraries' pages which I think were both in the US. One was owls made by children in an art class and the other was of card catalogues used as decor in a teenager section. But that's neither here nor there. The important thing is I eventually managed to use Instagram and complete the task.

It took me a long time to do the task because I couldn't find where to search for people on Instagram for ages and also it was asking me for a username and password and I selected to reset my password - however, I'd signed up through Facebook. I don't know how I got there in the end but it eventually worked.

I'm doing this to see the course through to completion. I've seen Instagram on people's Facebook so it's nice to know a little more about it now. I don't know how I could use it in my library though. Well I could post things but I wonder would people engage with them, or what would be the point. In a way these things are nice but kind of a waste of time.

1 comment:

  1. Part of undertaking this course is finding out how you would use these applications, and some of them may not be applicable in your situation or library, it just wouldn't be possible to use all of them!
