Monday, October 19, 2015

Thing 16: Collaboration Tools

As a solo librarian, I'm all for collaboration! It is great to be reminded that it is an important part of our job / skill set and that we are very good at it!

For the task I added a suggestion to the Google doc. It was a surprise to see it is in Latin. It was fun to read all the comments. I posted that I liked someone's comment. She said she enjoyed using all the tools with the other librarians (or something along those lines). She is sad the course is nearing the end. While I don't feel sad I do like feeling I am part of something much greater than being a solo librarian struggling to survive as one!

I have used Doddle meeting poles before. I may have even created them. This is in my volunteering with the Vegetarian Society of Ireland, and also with We Share Dublin.

I don't know if I would use Google documents in work. It's not a bad idea. I recently sent my library volunteer (I am so lucky to have her) draft documents in the body of emails. I guess I could try Google docs next time. Also, I am on a committee called Information Transformation and we could possibly use it there.


  1. We've been using google drive, docs, sheets, and calendars etc in work for just over a year now, and it is really great for sharing documents, you can decide who is allowed to edit or read only...but it took us a while to get used to it!

    1. Thanks. I can see if the need to use it ever arises with our committees.
