I've received all of the badges! Here they are!
My badges
Monday, May 7, 2018
Sunday, April 29, 2018
Thing 23: Career Development Round-up
There is no task to do, other than remember the C in CPD stands for continuing! I've done all the tasks. I've applied for my fourth badge. I will see what the future holds. It's a pleasure to be part of the librarian community in Ireland and to do Rudaí 23. Slán go foill.
Thing 22: Reflective Practice
It's that time again! For Thing 22, I'm writing another reflective account - this time of Things 19-21 in order to apply for the Engaged Professional Badge. This badge is particularly important to me as I think it's really important to be an engaged professional!
Reflections of Things 19-21 using Gibbs Reflective Cycle
We are invited to choose other models of reflective practice. However, it's Sunday evening and the deadline for applying for badges is tomorrow and I'm on the late shift so my advice to myself is to stick with what I know.
1. A reflection of Thing 19: Podcasts
Description: I created a podcast where I reviewed a book. I used Audacity and then saved it on Soundcloud. The music was my partner's and he helped me with the task.
Feelings: I felt that this was a hard task. It was very technical, unlike me! I've been told I'm resourceful and I am happy to avail of the help of this software developer and former musician! In turn, I love helping people in the library with computer issues whenever possible. I did like making the podcast. It was the rest of it I didn't like so much!
Evaluation: I could record using Audacity but needed help with saving it properly, adding music, and putting it on Soundcloud. I know if I had to do it I could (eventually) or if I was doing it regularly I'd get better at it.
Analysis: I was well aware of the Librarians Aloud podcast and it was nice to have a small insight into what's involved in making a podcast.
Conclusion: Making podcasts is a realistic task for librarians and could be a handy way to self-advocate or promote a service that may be of interest to library users.
Action plan: I can't think of a way to use podcasts at the moment. I don't think it would be possible in my work. If I was ever active in a committee again that might be the way.
2. A reflection of Thing 20: Advocacy and Engagement
Description: There was a lot of writing in this task! I answered 9 questions on the topic.
Feelings: I really enjoyed this task as I can see what an important issue it is. I just worked my way through the questions and answered them as the answers naturally came to me. I do feel sad that I failed to have success when I tried to advocate for a library service in the past. I did have some successes but the bottom line is the library service was reduced to a very serious extent.
Evaluation: I answered the questions and was reminded how valuable libraries are and how privileged I feel to work in libraries and to have the opportunity to advocate for them. I'm remembering now about Aoife Lawton's wonderful book The Invisible Librarian. I do love this topic.
Analysis: Everytime I interact with a customer (or a colleague) I'm promoting the library service. Sometimes working with the public is exhausting, especially if there is a difficult interaction, but each time you have one chance to be nice to the person so that they will hopefully come back and maybe even tell a friend.
Conclusion: I really admire Marie O'Neill and I enjoyed answering the questions. I think I can be a good advocate for the profession, because I believe in the importance of libraries.
Action plan: I ask my boss about evaluating our events. I'm as nice as I can be to borrowers. Sometimes I'm tired and can do better but most of the time I really do make an effort. If I get called for an interview in the next few months I will think of more ways to advocate.
3. A reflection of Thing 21: Professional Groups
Description: I wrote about my involvement in some groups that are part of the LAI.
Feelings: I'm glad I've had the chance to be active. I'm unsure of what opportunities there are for involvement within the public libraries section.
Evaluation: I've given what I could because I know it's important but I wore myself out with a previous committee and so I know my limits!
Analysis: I'm reminded that I could do more like PKSB and applying for LAI Associateship.
Conclusion: I know I would like to be more involved in professional groups again in the future.
Action plan: When the time is right I can see about doing PKSB and applying for Associateship. I love the way R23 is on for a particular time and everyone is working away on it and there's a sense of being part of something big. If there was something similar for PKSB and Associateship I'd be interested in participating. That would motivate me more. I love a good deadline!
Reflection after Rudaí 23?
I'm being asked if I'll use reflection again. I intend entering a librarian competition so reflecting on work I've been doing is important. I also reflect in general so I can learn, since I'm in my current job since October and am learning loads! Also, I'm doing a Montessori course (two modules to go!) and I've had to do a reflective journal as part of that before and I think I've to do another one!
Wahoo! Time to apply for the badge! :-)
Reflections of Things 19-21 using Gibbs Reflective Cycle
We are invited to choose other models of reflective practice. However, it's Sunday evening and the deadline for applying for badges is tomorrow and I'm on the late shift so my advice to myself is to stick with what I know.
1. A reflection of Thing 19: Podcasts
Description: I created a podcast where I reviewed a book. I used Audacity and then saved it on Soundcloud. The music was my partner's and he helped me with the task.
Feelings: I felt that this was a hard task. It was very technical, unlike me! I've been told I'm resourceful and I am happy to avail of the help of this software developer and former musician! In turn, I love helping people in the library with computer issues whenever possible. I did like making the podcast. It was the rest of it I didn't like so much!
Evaluation: I could record using Audacity but needed help with saving it properly, adding music, and putting it on Soundcloud. I know if I had to do it I could (eventually) or if I was doing it regularly I'd get better at it.
Analysis: I was well aware of the Librarians Aloud podcast and it was nice to have a small insight into what's involved in making a podcast.
Conclusion: Making podcasts is a realistic task for librarians and could be a handy way to self-advocate or promote a service that may be of interest to library users.
Action plan: I can't think of a way to use podcasts at the moment. I don't think it would be possible in my work. If I was ever active in a committee again that might be the way.
2. A reflection of Thing 20: Advocacy and Engagement
Description: There was a lot of writing in this task! I answered 9 questions on the topic.
Feelings: I really enjoyed this task as I can see what an important issue it is. I just worked my way through the questions and answered them as the answers naturally came to me. I do feel sad that I failed to have success when I tried to advocate for a library service in the past. I did have some successes but the bottom line is the library service was reduced to a very serious extent.
Evaluation: I answered the questions and was reminded how valuable libraries are and how privileged I feel to work in libraries and to have the opportunity to advocate for them. I'm remembering now about Aoife Lawton's wonderful book The Invisible Librarian. I do love this topic.
Analysis: Everytime I interact with a customer (or a colleague) I'm promoting the library service. Sometimes working with the public is exhausting, especially if there is a difficult interaction, but each time you have one chance to be nice to the person so that they will hopefully come back and maybe even tell a friend.
Conclusion: I really admire Marie O'Neill and I enjoyed answering the questions. I think I can be a good advocate for the profession, because I believe in the importance of libraries.
Action plan: I ask my boss about evaluating our events. I'm as nice as I can be to borrowers. Sometimes I'm tired and can do better but most of the time I really do make an effort. If I get called for an interview in the next few months I will think of more ways to advocate.
3. A reflection of Thing 21: Professional Groups
Description: I wrote about my involvement in some groups that are part of the LAI.
Feelings: I'm glad I've had the chance to be active. I'm unsure of what opportunities there are for involvement within the public libraries section.
Evaluation: I've given what I could because I know it's important but I wore myself out with a previous committee and so I know my limits!
Analysis: I'm reminded that I could do more like PKSB and applying for LAI Associateship.
Conclusion: I know I would like to be more involved in professional groups again in the future.
Action plan: When the time is right I can see about doing PKSB and applying for Associateship. I love the way R23 is on for a particular time and everyone is working away on it and there's a sense of being part of something big. If there was something similar for PKSB and Associateship I'd be interested in participating. That would motivate me more. I love a good deadline!
Reflection after Rudaí 23?
I'm being asked if I'll use reflection again. I intend entering a librarian competition so reflecting on work I've been doing is important. I also reflect in general so I can learn, since I'm in my current job since October and am learning loads! Also, I'm doing a Montessori course (two modules to go!) and I've had to do a reflective journal as part of that before and I think I've to do another one!
Wahoo! Time to apply for the badge! :-)
Thing 21: Professional Groups
I'm choosing option 4.
4. Are you a member of a professional organisation? If so, write a reflective blog post on your experience with this organisation and the impact it may have on your CPD. For example, has it provided you with the opportunity to be involved in any committees? At what level is your involvement? Have you gained any project/time/event management skills? Have you attended/presented at conferences through this organisation? Has it increased your library network and knowledge base? Are you happy with the organisation? Would you like to be more involved - can you investigate this possibility i.e. join a local committee, apply for your Associateship (your Rudaí 23 work load and digital badges will prove excellent evidence of your CPD activities if you apply for your LAI Associateship). If you are not a member, what has held you back, is it awareness, funding or a time issue?
I'm a member of the LAI. When I worked in health libraries I was an active member of the HSLG and I was on the committee of the CDG for two years, including as Secretary for the last few months. I was really impressed by the work ethic of the CDG. Also, I had been on another committee for years and devoted a lot of time and energy to it so when I joined the CDG I took a back seat and learned about it before taking on many tasks. It was a large group and there was time as a new member to take it in. I preferred helping before or after events than during them. During them I'm better at talking to people. I organised a post-event survey and I marked answers at a table quiz as part of an event. I took the minutes on a number of occasions. As Secretary, I sent out the agenda. I liked being organised in this way. I applied for accreditation from the LAI for one of our events. I was really impressed by someone who could generate great ideas and catchy titles for events!
As for the HSLG, when I started in health libraries I had so much to learn. It was my first professional library job and I had been working as a clerical officer before then and my library work was limited to a summer in the public libraries over 6 years earlier. I learned so much from the group. I was a solo librarian, though did have a library assistant colleague for the first few years and also another librarian who worked in a different part of the organisation. The HSLG has a great ListServ where you can post queries. I attended many HSLG conferences. I got to know many wonderful librarians. They are inspiring. They are very aware of the need for self-advocacy (as am I). I gave a lightening presentation at one of their conferences and did a poster presentation at an A&SL conference and gave a short talk at a WRSLAI conference. These were valuable experiences. I won a poster competition (co-won) organised by the HSLG. It was about promoting the role of your health librarian. The HSLG printed up copies of my poster for everyone! I asked my boss to be in a photo with me which I sent around the organisation!
I would have liked to be on the committee of the HSLG but I'm no longer working in health libraries. I moved to public libraries and I love it. I would like to be more involved and if I see any call outs I'll consider them carefully. I don't feel there is the same level of engagement that I was used to from the HSLG. Maybe the need isn't there. I would like to apply for Associateship of the LAI at some stage and to do PKSB. I forgot about it when doing up my PCP. Maybe another time.
4. Are you a member of a professional organisation? If so, write a reflective blog post on your experience with this organisation and the impact it may have on your CPD. For example, has it provided you with the opportunity to be involved in any committees? At what level is your involvement? Have you gained any project/time/event management skills? Have you attended/presented at conferences through this organisation? Has it increased your library network and knowledge base? Are you happy with the organisation? Would you like to be more involved - can you investigate this possibility i.e. join a local committee, apply for your Associateship (your Rudaí 23 work load and digital badges will prove excellent evidence of your CPD activities if you apply for your LAI Associateship). If you are not a member, what has held you back, is it awareness, funding or a time issue?
I'm a member of the LAI. When I worked in health libraries I was an active member of the HSLG and I was on the committee of the CDG for two years, including as Secretary for the last few months. I was really impressed by the work ethic of the CDG. Also, I had been on another committee for years and devoted a lot of time and energy to it so when I joined the CDG I took a back seat and learned about it before taking on many tasks. It was a large group and there was time as a new member to take it in. I preferred helping before or after events than during them. During them I'm better at talking to people. I organised a post-event survey and I marked answers at a table quiz as part of an event. I took the minutes on a number of occasions. As Secretary, I sent out the agenda. I liked being organised in this way. I applied for accreditation from the LAI for one of our events. I was really impressed by someone who could generate great ideas and catchy titles for events!
As for the HSLG, when I started in health libraries I had so much to learn. It was my first professional library job and I had been working as a clerical officer before then and my library work was limited to a summer in the public libraries over 6 years earlier. I learned so much from the group. I was a solo librarian, though did have a library assistant colleague for the first few years and also another librarian who worked in a different part of the organisation. The HSLG has a great ListServ where you can post queries. I attended many HSLG conferences. I got to know many wonderful librarians. They are inspiring. They are very aware of the need for self-advocacy (as am I). I gave a lightening presentation at one of their conferences and did a poster presentation at an A&SL conference and gave a short talk at a WRSLAI conference. These were valuable experiences. I won a poster competition (co-won) organised by the HSLG. It was about promoting the role of your health librarian. The HSLG printed up copies of my poster for everyone! I asked my boss to be in a photo with me which I sent around the organisation!
I would have liked to be on the committee of the HSLG but I'm no longer working in health libraries. I moved to public libraries and I love it. I would like to be more involved and if I see any call outs I'll consider them carefully. I don't feel there is the same level of engagement that I was used to from the HSLG. Maybe the need isn't there. I would like to apply for Associateship of the LAI at some stage and to do PKSB. I forgot about it when doing up my PCP. Maybe another time.
Saturday, April 28, 2018
Thing 20: Advocacy and Engagement
I've to answer 9 questions on this topic!
1. The goal is to secure the future of a small health sciences library
2. The objectives are:
- To maintain a physical library for the staff
- To maintain a half time librarian post
- To provide a library service for people who use the wider service
3. Strategies:
- Use the HSLG's Evidence Informed Healthcare campaign but to run it internally and send the results to management
- Run high profile in-house events such as computer assistance days, read an article days, request a literature search days
- Have coffee mornings in the library for those who use the wider service
4. My message is:
- The library is an important enabler for staff to provide evidence informed health / social care
5. Data / stories to support the message:
- Whatever is completed on the forms!
- Thank you emails
- Feedback forms from items 2 and 3 under strategies
6. My target audience is:
- Senior management and my line manager
7. They should care because:
- They want to be able to demonstrate that they are a great (or the best) organisation at what they do. The library service can help them achieve this.
8. Best tools to reach them:
- Winning a prestigious award or helping someone else to do so and being acknowledged for it
- Demonstrating that money has been saved
Exercise 1: Name three detrimental effects to a local community when a public library is closed.
1. Teenagers lose out on a safe place to do their homework / study for their exams.
2. Parents miss out on being able to bring young children to the toddler group, which is free and is good for social interactions for both parents / guardians/ grandparents and children.
3. People lose out on having a free space to practice their Irish or other languages.
I'll give a fourth one: I work with a lady helping her with literacy skills. If we couldn't use the library we'd have to go to a cafe where I'd have to purchase a drink I don't want each week, in order to avail of the space! The library suits us, and in addition to a space provides access to reading material.
Exercise 2: Find a Library Strategic Plan in Ireland or beyond for a library of any size. Identify three ways in which the strategic plan also advocates for the Library Service.
The national strategy for public libraries in Ireland from 2014-2017: “Opportunities for All: The public library as a catalyst for economic, social and cultural development”
1. The Foreword talks about public libraries working to "strengthen and expand their place in the local community, in local government and at national level."
2. Libraries position themselves as being "the frontline service of the local authorities and lead in community engagement" (page 9).
3. The libraries give themselves a broad remit: "The public library supports and promotes the spectrum of Irish culture showcasing and providing access for the public to all aspects of literature, Irish language, music, arts, dance, theatre" (page 11).
Exercise 3: Name three ways in which you can demonstrate the impact and value of the library service that you work in or use.
1. There were internet classes provided in our library for senior citizens. They could give specific examples of how they can do particular things online now that they couldn't do before.
2. People with intellectual disability used the computers for a number of weeks. They could give evidence of any positive changes from using the computers (e.g. learning how to make a CV which led to them getting a job) or the library service in general (e.g. discovering they like to listen to audio books).
3. Parents of the toddlers attending toddler group could be asked to complete a survey giving any benefits they find, e.g. reducing loneliness, building friendships, introducing their children to books.
Exercise 4: Identify three key people (name their role) outside of the library in the wider organisation/community that you need to network with in order to advance the development of the Library Service.
1. Teachers (to organise class visits and to develop the relationship as their pupils / students are current or potential library users. Good for them also to be aware of the library's book clubs for young people and what resources are in the library)
2. Intreo staff (they refer people to the library for printing and they could do so for the computers to find job information)
3. Local health staff (Healthy Ireland programme run in the libraries)
Exercise 5: Write down in 200 words or less an idea for Library Ireland Week for a library you work in or use.
A free yoga class. It would be held in our activity room and places would be limited. The local yoga centre could be asked if someone would take the class. It could be tied into the Healthy Ireland initiative and is good for physical and mental health.
Exercise 6: In your opinion what are the three best features of the My Library, My Right Campaign and why?
1. As soon as they are aware of proposals they seek more information. That's good because they act fast so hopefully before anything negative happens. They remind people they are there!
2. They engage with the media. It's important to have a voice and traditional and social media are both important platforms.
3. They have a hashtag campaign. Such a campaign has been shown to be a powerful tool.
Exercise 7: In 200 words or less, describe a new area of librarianship that you are passionate about. How would you go about promoting it within the library that you work in and/or the wider library profession?
I'm training to be a Montessori teacher. I'd introduce a Montessori session in the library, where there would be access to some basic Montessori equipment and the children would be shown how to use it properly. They would also listen to a story. It would be for an hour a week. They would learn to take great care of the books and maybe help repair any damaged ones they come across. There would be a child size dustpan and brush for cleaning up anything. I would hope they would develop a great appreciation for the library (I'm not saying they don't already). I'd advertise it through the toddler group and the library's What's On guide. Apart from that, I'd like to have a greater role helping people with their IT needs and in promoting the library service to entrepreneurs.
Exercise 8: Choose an area of library practice that you feels requires debate.
Helping the public use the computers requires debate. Some people believe it's self service and that's that. The desk can be busy and you might not have much time to help people. But I believe we can and should make a difference. People can feel comfortable around us if we are kind to them, and their IT confidence can grow. I think staff should be encouraged and facilitated to help as much as possible.
Exercise 9: Open up the ALA Frontline Advocacy Plan. Complete the plan for a real/fictional advocacy campaign.1. The goal is to secure the future of a small health sciences library
2. The objectives are:
- To maintain a physical library for the staff
- To maintain a half time librarian post
- To provide a library service for people who use the wider service
3. Strategies:
- Use the HSLG's Evidence Informed Healthcare campaign but to run it internally and send the results to management
- Run high profile in-house events such as computer assistance days, read an article days, request a literature search days
- Have coffee mornings in the library for those who use the wider service
4. My message is:
- The library is an important enabler for staff to provide evidence informed health / social care
5. Data / stories to support the message:
- Whatever is completed on the forms!
- Thank you emails
- Feedback forms from items 2 and 3 under strategies
6. My target audience is:
- Senior management and my line manager
7. They should care because:
- They want to be able to demonstrate that they are a great (or the best) organisation at what they do. The library service can help them achieve this.
8. Best tools to reach them:
- Winning a prestigious award or helping someone else to do so and being acknowledged for it
- Demonstrating that money has been saved
Thing 19: Podcasts
I made a podcast a few days ago using Audacity but when I went back into it today it's gone! My boyfriend has advised me to start over! Here goes!
Okay, I did it. I had to delete the ending and rerecord it, so that was some editing practice. My boyfriend showed me how to do it. Then came the real fun of adding a music track at the start and end. I didn't know about rights for this. I didn't figure it out by Googling it either. I was looking at Google Play and wondering if I could purchase a track from there. Luckily Gustavo is a retired musician so I was able to use one of his recordings. He sent me the track via Facebook as a JPEG but it isn't really a JPEG and it didn't work or open so then he shared it with me using Google Drive and we downloaded it. He put it on Audacity for me - 15 seconds at either end. He then uploaded the completed file onto Soundcloud from where I'd saved it in Dropbox. He gave me a lot of help. I am keen to get the task done as the deadline is very close and I'm on Thing 19 out of 23.
Here is the podcast. I talked as Gaeilge - mostly! - about a book called Foclóiropedia: a journey through the Irish language from arán to zú.
I didn't feel there was any point in me selecting the other option - where you listen to, subscribe to, rate, and review a podcast of your choice. I have listened to Librarians Aloud before and often listen to the podcasts on Today FM. I'm not keen to subscribe to a podcast as I prefer to find them when I would like to listen to them! It was much more of a challenge to make my own, and I am fortunate I was able to get help. I had a friend who used to have her own radio show and I remember her spending hours editing. It takes a lot of dedication!
Okay, I did it. I had to delete the ending and rerecord it, so that was some editing practice. My boyfriend showed me how to do it. Then came the real fun of adding a music track at the start and end. I didn't know about rights for this. I didn't figure it out by Googling it either. I was looking at Google Play and wondering if I could purchase a track from there. Luckily Gustavo is a retired musician so I was able to use one of his recordings. He sent me the track via Facebook as a JPEG but it isn't really a JPEG and it didn't work or open so then he shared it with me using Google Drive and we downloaded it. He put it on Audacity for me - 15 seconds at either end. He then uploaded the completed file onto Soundcloud from where I'd saved it in Dropbox. He gave me a lot of help. I am keen to get the task done as the deadline is very close and I'm on Thing 19 out of 23.
Here is the podcast. I talked as Gaeilge - mostly! - about a book called Foclóiropedia: a journey through the Irish language from arán to zú.
I didn't feel there was any point in me selecting the other option - where you listen to, subscribe to, rate, and review a podcast of your choice. I have listened to Librarians Aloud before and often listen to the podcasts on Today FM. I'm not keen to subscribe to a podcast as I prefer to find them when I would like to listen to them! It was much more of a challenge to make my own, and I am fortunate I was able to get help. I had a friend who used to have her own radio show and I remember her spending hours editing. It takes a lot of dedication!
Sunday, April 22, 2018
Thing 18: Reflective Practice
For Thing 18, I'm writing a reflective account of Things 14-17 in order to apply for the Critical Thinker Badge.
Reflections of Things 14-17 using Gibbs Reflective Cycle
1. A reflection of Thing 14: Personal Information Management
It's a good while since I did this Thing. I'm reading back over my blog post to remind myself what it was about.
Description: I gave Evernote, Pocket, and Feedly a go.
Feelings: I felt like the task was unnecessary as I think I'm fine with managing my information already! However, I worked my way through it and enjoyed it.
Evaluation: I found my way around Evernote after spending a bit of time on it. Pocket and Feedly were handy enough.
Analysis: The task took a long time but it was good to learn what's available.
Conclusion: I'm able to use these personal information management tools, should the need arise.
Action plan: If someone is talking about the tools I will know what they're referring to and that I'm able to use them.
2. A reflection of Thing 15: Evaluating Information
Description: I made a slight change to improve an entry on Wikipedia.
Feelings: I was delighted to have the opportunity to do this, as I'd seen invites to do so before on the HSLG mailing list.
Evaluation: I made a simple change to improve the content of an entry about a school. The importance was in going through the process.
Analysis: Once you follow the steps, it's easy to improve Wikipedia.
Conclusion: I felt like I was doing my bit to ensure the accuracy of information on the web!
Action plan: If another call goes out and if I have time this is something I could do again in the future.
3. A reflection of Thing 16: Your Digital Footprint
Description: I ran a diagnostic of how I protect myself against violations of my privacy on the internet.
Feelings: I felt I was pretty good at this.
Evaluation: As a librarian and interested citizen I'm quite aware of the need for care online, though it's not something I'm overly concerned about.
Analysis: This was an easy, systematic task.
Conclusion: I'm fairly mindful of my digital footprint.
Action plan: Today I read about how Facebook uses our information. It seemed reasonable to me.
4. A reflection of Thing 17: Sharing Your Work
Description: I talked about my experiences with my work being on Slideshare, in a digital newsletter, and on Lenus.
Feelings: I'm aware I have nothing new in the pipeline in this regard, which I feel a little bad about, but I can keep my eyes peeled. I have other priorities at the moment. I did send in items for Twitter to my organisation's Twitter account managers.
Evaluation: At least I have used the sharing tools.
Analysis: I am aware of the ways to share information with others.
Conclusion: I have shared my work - or my work has been shared - over the years. Perhaps I will share more again in the future.
Action plan: If an opportunity comes up, I can go for it if I have the time.
Reflections of Things 14-17 using Gibbs Reflective Cycle
1. A reflection of Thing 14: Personal Information Management
It's a good while since I did this Thing. I'm reading back over my blog post to remind myself what it was about.
Description: I gave Evernote, Pocket, and Feedly a go.
Feelings: I felt like the task was unnecessary as I think I'm fine with managing my information already! However, I worked my way through it and enjoyed it.
Evaluation: I found my way around Evernote after spending a bit of time on it. Pocket and Feedly were handy enough.
Analysis: The task took a long time but it was good to learn what's available.
Conclusion: I'm able to use these personal information management tools, should the need arise.
Action plan: If someone is talking about the tools I will know what they're referring to and that I'm able to use them.
2. A reflection of Thing 15: Evaluating Information
Description: I made a slight change to improve an entry on Wikipedia.
Feelings: I was delighted to have the opportunity to do this, as I'd seen invites to do so before on the HSLG mailing list.
Evaluation: I made a simple change to improve the content of an entry about a school. The importance was in going through the process.
Analysis: Once you follow the steps, it's easy to improve Wikipedia.
Conclusion: I felt like I was doing my bit to ensure the accuracy of information on the web!
Action plan: If another call goes out and if I have time this is something I could do again in the future.
3. A reflection of Thing 16: Your Digital Footprint
Description: I ran a diagnostic of how I protect myself against violations of my privacy on the internet.
Feelings: I felt I was pretty good at this.
Evaluation: As a librarian and interested citizen I'm quite aware of the need for care online, though it's not something I'm overly concerned about.
Analysis: This was an easy, systematic task.
Conclusion: I'm fairly mindful of my digital footprint.
Action plan: Today I read about how Facebook uses our information. It seemed reasonable to me.
4. A reflection of Thing 17: Sharing Your Work
Description: I talked about my experiences with my work being on Slideshare, in a digital newsletter, and on Lenus.
Feelings: I'm aware I have nothing new in the pipeline in this regard, which I feel a little bad about, but I can keep my eyes peeled. I have other priorities at the moment. I did send in items for Twitter to my organisation's Twitter account managers.
Evaluation: At least I have used the sharing tools.
Analysis: I am aware of the ways to share information with others.
Conclusion: I have shared my work - or my work has been shared - over the years. Perhaps I will share more again in the future.
Action plan: If an opportunity comes up, I can go for it if I have the time.
Saturday, April 14, 2018
Thing 17: Sharing Your Work
I have a couple of things on Slideshare from a few years ago: https://www.slideshare.net/hslgcommittee/community-based-bookclubs-grace-hillis-hslg-conference-2013 (a lightening presentation I gave)
https://www.slideshare.net/GraceHillis/abstract-to-audience-presentations-19-02-16 (I wrote this about the conference)
I shared about a visit to the National Library of Ireland in the Health Sciences Libraries Group newsletter Hint: https://hslgblog.files.wordpress.com/2017/08/hint-152-summer-2017.pdf
A poster I presented (and made with a colleague) is on Lenus (the Irish health repository): http://www.lenus.ie/hse/handle/10147/604210
https://www.slideshare.net/GraceHillis/abstract-to-audience-presentations-19-02-16 (I wrote this about the conference)
I shared about a visit to the National Library of Ireland in the Health Sciences Libraries Group newsletter Hint: https://hslgblog.files.wordpress.com/2017/08/hint-152-summer-2017.pdf
A poster I presented (and made with a colleague) is on Lenus (the Irish health repository): http://www.lenus.ie/hse/handle/10147/604210
Sunday, April 8, 2018
Thing 16: Your Digital Footprint
I have to run a diagnostic of how I protect myself against violations of my privacy on the internet. I have to see how well I do at these things:
- Be very careful giving out personal information to websites that you are unfamiliar with. I consider myself good at this.
- Do not respond to phishing emails. Remember, Banks or Paypal, etc will never ask you to send personal details or to “Click Here” to login. Only ever call them on a number you trust or login into your account on a trusted computer on a secure internet connection that you initiated. I'm well aware of this.
- Don’t download illegal software - apart from the legal ramifications - quite often, this software will have backdoors programmed in to allow access to your device or information at a later stage. As a librarian, I have no interest in doing this! I certainly wouldn't knowingly download something illegal.
- Be careful when connecting to the internet when out and about. For example, a coffee shop, or bar or airport waiting room. Make sure that you are connecting to a legitimate hot-spot and that it is encrypted. In the public domain there is potential for fake wi-fi hotspots to be set up, such as “freeStudentWiFi” that could steal your information. I wasn't aware of this, but would usually only connect to WiFi in places like libraries and airports where it's fairly clear that it's genuine.
- Do read T&C’s of the apps you download so that you can give “informed consent”. I don't do this but I only use apps if I really need to or for R23.
- Be aware online of what you post, both from a defamatory perspective and regarding giving out too much information about yourself or your family. I'm quite aware of this, especially as a librarian.
- Educate yourself about the basics of the internet and how it works. This will allow you to become more aware of the risks out there and how to mitigate them if needed. I haven't thought too much about this.
- Do use an alphanumeric password, i.e. characters, numbers a special character. Do not use the same password or a very close derivation for all your accounts. Remember, if I can get access to your email account, I will be able to reset most of your online accounts and take control of them. Change your passwords reasonably often. Hmmm. I'm not the worst but there's certainly room for improvement.
- Finally, enjoy yourself online but always remember the pictures or content you post could potentially end up in a newspaper / in an ad campaign / looking back at you in a job interview, etc... So be prudent and careful about your digital footprint. Yep, I'm aware of this!
Friday, April 6, 2018
Thing 15: Evaluating Information
I added a reference to a Wikipedia article about a secondary school I'm semi-familiar with. I'd remembered reading its entry before and that there were gaps. The article said "at present" the enrolement figure is xxxx. Wikipedia had asked "when?" I found a subject inspection from 2016 which included the enrolment figure, so I referenced it. I did find the enrolment figure on the Department of Education and Skills website but I didn't see a date and that's why I went with the inspection report.
This is the article I added the reference to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scoil_Mhuire,_Clane. I found the task daunting and tricky at the start but I soon got into it. I'd seen the call for librarians to improve Wikipedia before but I didn't get round to it, so it was great to have the opportunity and motivation to do so now. This was a great idea for a Thing and I was pleased to get to use the hashtag #1lib1ref!
I find my own evaluation skills to be a continuous work in progress. I'm aware of the need to provide reliable sources of information and am aware of the basics of what to look out for (what someone's qualifications are, age of article, etc.). I don't necessarily feel better equipped now to talk to others about the need to critically evaluate, but it has certainly given me a confidence boost to have found a good reference.
This is the article I added the reference to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scoil_Mhuire,_Clane. I found the task daunting and tricky at the start but I soon got into it. I'd seen the call for librarians to improve Wikipedia before but I didn't get round to it, so it was great to have the opportunity and motivation to do so now. This was a great idea for a Thing and I was pleased to get to use the hashtag #1lib1ref!
I find my own evaluation skills to be a continuous work in progress. I'm aware of the need to provide reliable sources of information and am aware of the basics of what to look out for (what someone's qualifications are, age of article, etc.). I don't necessarily feel better equipped now to talk to others about the need to critically evaluate, but it has certainly given me a confidence boost to have found a good reference.
Monday, April 2, 2018
Thing 14: Personal Information Management
For this task I have to use Evernote and two smaller tools.
I have to put up a display of craft books next week so I created my first note which is a list of things I want to do for it over the weekend. I see that you can set reminders but I decided not to go that far.
I've downloaded the Evernote web clipper extension. I saved three webpages into my notebook (I was at first unsure if I was saving them into Evernote or Pinterest, but it was Evernote). However, they don't look as I thought they would and initially weren't helpful to me. I found that there are different ways to save things. Full Page works well for me. Also, I didn't know how to change the name of the notebook from First Notebook to something more meaningful but was able to Google how to do so and it was easy!
I made two other notebooks - one called Form for a form I'm working on and another called Today's List for today's to-do list. It's nice to see the three notebooks in rows. It's easy to delete them too, which is great. It is a pretty nice site.
This is a good idea, as we I sometimes come across things I'd like to read later. I found 3 blogs and saved an article from each of them: a recipe, a travel feature, and an interview as Gaeilge. It was easy to save, tag, open, and delete them!
I saved one food and several library-related blogs to Feedly. This could be a handy way to maintain a sense of what's new in the world of books!
I don't know how Pocket and Feedly would work together but they do seem useful! I found this task time-consuming. I had aimed to do one Thing each day over the Easter break but instead I only completed this one. It was interesting though!
I wanted to use my Google account to login but the site told me it doesn't exist (it does)! It eventually recognised it. Phew!
I have to put up a display of craft books next week so I created my first note which is a list of things I want to do for it over the weekend. I see that you can set reminders but I decided not to go that far.
I've downloaded the Evernote web clipper extension. I saved three webpages into my notebook (I was at first unsure if I was saving them into Evernote or Pinterest, but it was Evernote). However, they don't look as I thought they would and initially weren't helpful to me. I found that there are different ways to save things. Full Page works well for me. Also, I didn't know how to change the name of the notebook from First Notebook to something more meaningful but was able to Google how to do so and it was easy!
I made two other notebooks - one called Form for a form I'm working on and another called Today's List for today's to-do list. It's nice to see the three notebooks in rows. It's easy to delete them too, which is great. It is a pretty nice site.
This is a good idea, as we I sometimes come across things I'd like to read later. I found 3 blogs and saved an article from each of them: a recipe, a travel feature, and an interview as Gaeilge. It was easy to save, tag, open, and delete them!
I saved one food and several library-related blogs to Feedly. This could be a handy way to maintain a sense of what's new in the world of books!
I don't know how Pocket and Feedly would work together but they do seem useful! I found this task time-consuming. I had aimed to do one Thing each day over the Easter break but instead I only completed this one. It was interesting though!
Sunday, March 25, 2018
Thing 13: Reflective Practice
For Thing 13, I'm writing a reflective account of Things 10-12 in order to apply for the Online Networker Badge.
Reflections of Things 10-12 using Gibbs Reflective Cycle
1. A reflection of Thing 10: Networking Tools
Description: I already use Facebook and Twitter so did not have to set up accounts.
Feelings: I felt like I was on top of this task.
Evaluation: For the task I checked my public usernames and privacy settings.
Analysis: I realised I don't Tweet much at conferences. I tend to read and favourite other people's Tweets. However, I have Tweeted at conferences before (e.g. EAHIL 2017), and my Tweets have been favourited and retweeted.
Conclusion: I'm a good bit of the way there.
Action plan: I could Tweet more at conferences and events. I could pay particular attention to up-and-coming librarians.
2. A reflection of Thing 11: Your Professional Brand
Description: I updated my LinkedIn and Twitter profiles and created an Orchid ID.
Feelings: I felt glad to have an Orchid ID as I'd heard of it before. I don't have any research papers to go with it though! However, I know some people used theirs when producing the health librarian publication HEAR which I was involved with. If I'd had an Orchid ID at the time I could have used it!
Evaluation: It was good to review my LinkedIn and Twitter profiles as I found some content that had become out-of-date.
Analysis: It's good to review content every so often - perhaps twice a year.
Conclusion: I now have an Orchid ID ready to go if I ever need it.
Action plan: I have now Liked the LAI public libraries section on Facebook. However, they only seem to be active around the time of their conference.
3. A reflection of Thing 12: Collaborative Tools
Description: I was familiar with all the tools covered except Slack.
Feelings: I felt good when I realised I have a good bit of experience with collaborative tools.
Evaluation: I'm in the public libraries now and not on committees like I was before so I'm less likely to use the tools now than before.
Analysis: It's good to know some tools I used a number of years ago, such as Doodle, are still considered of value.
Conclusion: I could have experimented with Slack.
Action plan: I did ask my partner to show me Slack and I know it's there as an option if I find myself needing to collaborate with a group.
Reflections of Things 10-12 using Gibbs Reflective Cycle
1. A reflection of Thing 10: Networking Tools
Description: I already use Facebook and Twitter so did not have to set up accounts.
Feelings: I felt like I was on top of this task.
Evaluation: For the task I checked my public usernames and privacy settings.
Analysis: I realised I don't Tweet much at conferences. I tend to read and favourite other people's Tweets. However, I have Tweeted at conferences before (e.g. EAHIL 2017), and my Tweets have been favourited and retweeted.
Conclusion: I'm a good bit of the way there.
Action plan: I could Tweet more at conferences and events. I could pay particular attention to up-and-coming librarians.
2. A reflection of Thing 11: Your Professional Brand
Description: I updated my LinkedIn and Twitter profiles and created an Orchid ID.
Feelings: I felt glad to have an Orchid ID as I'd heard of it before. I don't have any research papers to go with it though! However, I know some people used theirs when producing the health librarian publication HEAR which I was involved with. If I'd had an Orchid ID at the time I could have used it!
Evaluation: It was good to review my LinkedIn and Twitter profiles as I found some content that had become out-of-date.
Analysis: It's good to review content every so often - perhaps twice a year.
Conclusion: I now have an Orchid ID ready to go if I ever need it.
Action plan: I have now Liked the LAI public libraries section on Facebook. However, they only seem to be active around the time of their conference.
3. A reflection of Thing 12: Collaborative Tools
Description: I was familiar with all the tools covered except Slack.
Feelings: I felt good when I realised I have a good bit of experience with collaborative tools.
Evaluation: I'm in the public libraries now and not on committees like I was before so I'm less likely to use the tools now than before.
Analysis: It's good to know some tools I used a number of years ago, such as Doodle, are still considered of value.
Conclusion: I could have experimented with Slack.
Action plan: I did ask my partner to show me Slack and I know it's there as an option if I find myself needing to collaborate with a group.
- What is my personal digital footprint? Am I presenting the online image that I wish others, especially professional colleagues, to see?
When I Google myself this is what I find:
1. My LinkedIn profile. It states my job title and employer.
2. My Twitter account but it says Health Sciences Librarian which is old information, as I updated my details during Thing 11. I would prefer colleagues to see current information! I was surprised to learn I'm on Twitter almost 9 years!
3. My contact details at my old job. They obviously haven't updated the webpage yet. Again, I would prefer colleagues didn't see this!
4. Images for me. Two of them are actually me. The first one is taken from my Twitter account. I know I need to update it! For the other one, I didn't know where it came from but I clicked in to see it was from the list of speakers at the Western Regional Section of the LAI's conference 2016.
5. Facebook
6. There's a link to an issue of HEAR (Health Evidence Awareness Report by the Health Sciences Libraries Group of the LAI) which I contributed to.
- Do I currently have a personal branding strategy? What way have I - or could I - use the tools covered in the lesson to create or improve my brand?
I don't have a strategy other than to keep an eye on what's going on and contribute where I feel like doing so, and to keep my profiles up-to-date. I think LinkedIn is good for keeping track of achievements.
- How do I feel about networking – is it something I find challenging, or do I find that it doesn’t take much effort for me? Am I exploiting all of the possible channels, to reach out to colleagues and potential collaborators?
I stayed for drinks at the A&SL conference. That was a nice way to meet some new people. At conferences it can be nice to catch up with people we know already. Where possible it's good to talk to people we don't know, and I do this where opportunities arise and where I feel comfortable. I then often Follow speakers from conferences on Twitter.
- Do I currently use any of the recommended tools to manage workflows and collaborate with others on remote projects? What tools do I feel would be most useful to me in my work?
In my job I'm concentrating on becoming familiar with the work at the moment. I'm taking a break from big collaborations. However, if something exciting comes up I have the resources to get involved.
Saturday, March 24, 2018
Thing 12: Collaborative Tools
My task is to write about the last time I had to work on a group project. The thing that comes to mind is planning a surprise for someone. We are working virtually. We're using Facebook Messenger. The good thing is you can look at it when it suits you (I don't have it installed on my phone). The bad thing is I left it several days before looking at it. It's not great for looking back at old messages. There can be a lot of scrolling. Two people don't mind what we do, so I will contact the other person and plan it with her and then get back to the others. It can be easier when there's just two making decisions.
I have used different tools at different times over the years.
Google Drive: I used this when I was on a librarian committee. The group was very organised and it worked well as a home for documents. I also use it with my partner to keep track of our expenses!
Trello: I used this when I was part of the Health Sciences Libraries Group. I was involved in producing HEAR (Health Evidence Awareness Report) and we uploaded content for the publications onto Trello. I liked it. You could move the different headings around if you thought they were better located elsewhere.
Slack: I hadn't heard of this but my boyfriend showed me it. He has different conversations on it and gets notifications about activities from other platforms. I asked if it's like Google Hangouts and he said it's like a more modern version of it. You can add in Gifs.
Skype: I used to attend Skype meetings when I was on the committee of the Vegetarian Society of Ireland. Sometimes it worked and sometimes you'd end up typing that you can't hear or your microphone isn't working and various things!
Doodle: I've participated in and created Doodle polls. I like them. They are best used with people who are comfortable using different tools, as you want everyone to have their say!
I have used different tools at different times over the years.
Google Drive: I used this when I was on a librarian committee. The group was very organised and it worked well as a home for documents. I also use it with my partner to keep track of our expenses!
Trello: I used this when I was part of the Health Sciences Libraries Group. I was involved in producing HEAR (Health Evidence Awareness Report) and we uploaded content for the publications onto Trello. I liked it. You could move the different headings around if you thought they were better located elsewhere.
Slack: I hadn't heard of this but my boyfriend showed me it. He has different conversations on it and gets notifications about activities from other platforms. I asked if it's like Google Hangouts and he said it's like a more modern version of it. You can add in Gifs.
Skype: I used to attend Skype meetings when I was on the committee of the Vegetarian Society of Ireland. Sometimes it worked and sometimes you'd end up typing that you can't hear or your microphone isn't working and various things!
Doodle: I've participated in and created Doodle polls. I like them. They are best used with people who are comfortable using different tools, as you want everyone to have their say!
Sunday, March 18, 2018
Thing 11: Your professional brand
R11 gave me the opportunity to review and update my LinkedIn and Twitter profiles and to create an Orchid ID. I included links to Twitter and LinkedIn in Orchid. I didn't figure out how to reciprocate, although I did see the Orchid code in HTML. Here is my Orchid account:
orcid.org/0000-0002-3162-1999 I heard of Orchid IDs from when I was on a librarian committee, so it's nice to now have my own.

Sunday, March 4, 2018
Thing 10: Networking Tools
R10 is about Facebook and Twitter; both of which I use. I checked and my Facebook public username is in the format suggested by the post. I checked my privacy settings and didn't see any changes I need to make (but it's not so clear to me what all the settings mean!). I've updated some of my information in the About section. I've applied to join Irish Librarians Community of Practice. I'm already in the Rudaí 23 group. That is my activity for R10 completed. I set up a group called Vegetarian and Vegan House Share Ireland when I found a need for it in my own life. I continue to co-admin it. I have been an admin for other groups / pages too but this is the only one I'm doing now.
And I've just learned how to embed a Tweet in Blogger! Thank you Google, and especially http://www.internetsmash.com/2015/09/embed-tweets-in-blogger.html. You have to change to HTML to be able to get the code to work as intended. Great!
What I'm not so good at is Tweeting during conferences. I don't really like the distraction. But I know it's helpful for others and I've done so before. Maybe I'll send out a few at the forthcoming A&SL conference!
Update: I didn't Tweet at the conference because I arrived late and didn't have the WiFi code. Oops.
On Twitter I already follow a lot of the people / organisations listed. I've also participated in Twitter chats with LAICDG and HSLG. I've recently Tweeted using the # sneachta - for example:
— Grace Hillis (@Graceih) March 1, 2018
@Rudaí23 retweeted it! :-)
Snow days are bringing a flurry of Rudai activity. #silverlinings https://t.co/RnMWDTHQJx— Rudai 23 (@Rudai23) March 1, 2018
And I've just learned how to embed a Tweet in Blogger! Thank you Google, and especially http://www.internetsmash.com/2015/09/embed-tweets-in-blogger.html. You have to change to HTML to be able to get the code to work as intended. Great!
What I'm not so good at is Tweeting during conferences. I don't really like the distraction. But I know it's helpful for others and I've done so before. Maybe I'll send out a few at the forthcoming A&SL conference!
Update: I didn't Tweet at the conference because I arrived late and didn't have the WiFi code. Oops.
Thing 9: Reflective Practice
I'm at the point anois where I can apply for my Visual Communicator badge. We've been given two options and I'm going with Option 1 (using Things 3, 4, 5, and 6). I'm very thankful for the snow days for getting me back on track.
Saturday, March 3, 2018
Thing 8: Infographics
I'm being asked to consider a report that I recently produced or read. The thing I can think of is a draft strategic plan. I'm being asked if an infographic would better represent the data. I can't find the document to look at it again, but I think infographics certainly make things easier to read. I'm being asked what impact it would have on the reader. Well, it would give a good snapshot of the main points of the plan. I remember seeing infographics produced by Fingal County Council for their annual report and they were really good. You could see statistics clearly so could understand the scale of the services provided.
I have to put together an informative poster or graphic using Piktochart or Canva. I've tried using Piktochart before (with some success) and I'm going to try Canva this time, as when I was on a committee that's what a colleague used to make a conference poster.
This is my infograph! It's very simple (as instructed!) and it's imperfect. If I was doing this properly I would have selected things for children of a specific age, rather than including things for both younger and older children. But the point of the exercise is to get familiar with using Canva, so it's fine.
Once I realised I had to upload my own images (all taken from Pixabay), I did the task fairly quickly. The template I used was the first one - "6 fun ideas to raise money for charity". I made the minimal amount of changes. I messed around with other things but my proposed headings were too long and were taking up too much space on the templates, and there's really no need for that for this task. Thanksfully, I came up with this shorter heading, based on the template! This was a daunting task at the start but really didn't take too long to complete, and I found the instructions provided by R23 really helpful. I followed them closely and got the task done!
I have to put together an informative poster or graphic using Piktochart or Canva. I've tried using Piktochart before (with some success) and I'm going to try Canva this time, as when I was on a committee that's what a colleague used to make a conference poster.
This is my infograph! It's very simple (as instructed!) and it's imperfect. If I was doing this properly I would have selected things for children of a specific age, rather than including things for both younger and older children. But the point of the exercise is to get familiar with using Canva, so it's fine.
Once I realised I had to upload my own images (all taken from Pixabay), I did the task fairly quickly. The template I used was the first one - "6 fun ideas to raise money for charity". I made the minimal amount of changes. I messed around with other things but my proposed headings were too long and were taking up too much space on the templates, and there's really no need for that for this task. Thanksfully, I came up with this shorter heading, based on the template! This was a daunting task at the start but really didn't take too long to complete, and I found the instructions provided by R23 really helpful. I followed them closely and got the task done!
Friday, March 2, 2018
Thing 7.5: Storytelling
This element of R23 is not compulsory but I'll give it a go. We can use Instagram, Snapchat or Facebook. I'll go with FB as that's what I'm used to. I can see Stories on my phone but I don't see the paper airplane icon. I've watched a few stories. The best is one from the Happy Pear where they are showing a photo of Black Forest Gateaux from their new book, along with the photos of the recipe pages in the book. Yum! Very good use of the function! Ha, and on their main Facebook page where they talk about the story they refer to World Book Day! They say people can screenshot the recipe to make during the Beast from the East. Great marketing all round!
I can make this recipe for my dad's birthday. I had to learn how to take a screenshot (hold down volume down button and power button at the same time). Sceenshots go into Gallery. I also accidentally discovered you can video record the screen. I did this, but then deleted it when I figured out how to take the screenshots. This is very useful! :-)
The R23 post says you can only see a story once. However, I went into the Happy Pear story many times.
I made a Story using a photo from my gallery, which I sent just to my partner. I added a sticker and special effects.
I can make this recipe for my dad's birthday. I had to learn how to take a screenshot (hold down volume down button and power button at the same time). Sceenshots go into Gallery. I also accidentally discovered you can video record the screen. I did this, but then deleted it when I figured out how to take the screenshots. This is very useful! :-)
The R23 post says you can only see a story once. However, I went into the Happy Pear story many times.
I made a Story using a photo from my gallery, which I sent just to my partner. I added a sticker and special effects.
Thursday, March 1, 2018
Thing 7: Online Exhibitions
I've been thinking about R7 for a few days now. It seems really hard! I was thinking about what I have and what I could use. I looked at some other entries and saw not everyone did R7. Someone did a family tree. Someone didn't do an exhibition but blogged about the ones they looked at. Things I have around me are Special Olympics memorabilia, magazines I was involved in producing, and lots of cat photos. I thought some more and concluded I could make an exhibition about my Sylvanian Family "collection". (For some of my other ideas I'm unsure about copyright restrictions.)
The R7 post said to use other exhibitions for inspiration. I Googled "online exhibition" and found that there is a Harry Potter exhibition thanks to the British Library. The Irish Times had an article about it. The exhibition uses Google Arts & Culture. That platform was covered in R7.
Here is a sample poster about the physical exhibition, from when it was in Madrid. Here is a book on the exhibition. Here's a guide that's on Pinterest.
And here is the online exhibition!
In thinking about my own exhibition, I'm looking at the Sylvanian Families site. I see they are not just targeting children, as they have a more grown up site too!
Here is my online toy exhibition. It's on Blogger. Let's keep it simple. I tried to set up pages but I couldn't view them in the blog so I copied and pasted the content into posts. I added a picture to the homepage but then it wouldn't show the name of the blog so I scrapped it. Eventually it let the pages be viewed by clicking the icon on the home page, and I ended up with two logs of pages as well as the posts. I kept the posts and one lot of pages! So it all involved a lot of experimenting and time! But it's done! :-)
The R7 post said to use other exhibitions for inspiration. I Googled "online exhibition" and found that there is a Harry Potter exhibition thanks to the British Library. The Irish Times had an article about it. The exhibition uses Google Arts & Culture. That platform was covered in R7.
Here is a sample poster about the physical exhibition, from when it was in Madrid. Here is a book on the exhibition. Here's a guide that's on Pinterest.
And here is the online exhibition!
In thinking about my own exhibition, I'm looking at the Sylvanian Families site. I see they are not just targeting children, as they have a more grown up site too!
Here is my online toy exhibition. It's on Blogger. Let's keep it simple. I tried to set up pages but I couldn't view them in the blog so I copied and pasted the content into posts. I added a picture to the homepage but then it wouldn't show the name of the blog so I scrapped it. Eventually it let the pages be viewed by clicking the icon on the home page, and I ended up with two logs of pages as well as the posts. I kept the posts and one lot of pages! So it all involved a lot of experimenting and time! But it's done! :-)
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Thing 6: Reflective Practice
Thing 3: Image Banks I had a choice of using an image from Pixabay or Flickr.
As I said in my blog I chose Flickr as I
am well used to Pixabay (thanks to its promotion by members of the Health
Sciences Libraries Group over the years).
For Thing 4: Communicating Visually I had great fun with Photofunia. You can put
your own photo onto an image to create an advertisement for the library.
For Thing 5: Video Presentations I struggled along with Screencast-O-Matic.
It took me ages to start Thing 5 as I was changing
jobs and I wanted to work on material with personal meaning. Eventually I
decided the public library’s e-resources are the way to go. I was so pleased to
have a topic. The task took way longer than I had anticipated. I had to
learn about how to turn off the sound. We had a laugh at home when I
accidentally recorded a conversation while making my video. Everything worked
out in the end, after a number of retries over a number of days. I could see how
to do it, it was just getting all the bits right that delayed things. My video
was initially too long. I wanted it to be shorter so it would be more
interesting to people.
Evaluation & Analysis
I had used this programme
before during the previous Rudaí 23 when I made a video about databases through
this site: www.idaal.com. I still found it a
challenge, as it was some time since I did it before! I learned to be patient
and if I wasn’t happy with the result to take a break and then try again.
Conclusion and Action Plan
I’m happy that this task
gave me an opportunity to learn about the library’s e-resources, so I can
better help borrowers. I’m glad I waited until I came up with something
worthwhile to make a video of. I feel confident for having completed the task.
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